Thursday, July 18, 2013


The first time I sign into MyFreeCams (“MFC”), flyaway hairs pressed to perfection and a fresh swipe of lipstick across my mouth, I am nervous. Why would anyone pay to see me take off my clothes when they are already surrounded by hundreds of giggly, doe-eyed nymphs? “It's not like I'm a super..." and before I could even finish doubting myself, 44 users surge into my public chat room. I breathe a sigh of relief.

“Is this a sociological experiment?” someone immediately asks, and although the question is not unwarranted, I feel a tad indignant. Leveraging your sexuality for money, power, and fame is just another way for a woman to “make it” in this world; manipulating lonely men for the sake of scholarship is a flagrant abuse of socioeconomic privilege. Not to get all moralistic. I’m really just here to turn on, tune out, and drop my panties.

“Gawd, not another acceptably attractive, educated middle-class white girl who thinks she’s special/edgy/the next big thing,” you may be thinking. “Not another hackneyed behind-the-lens exposé.” And I agree with you. There is no great truth to unveil about a trade that has thrived for thousands of years (minus the cameras and high-speed internet, of course). Sex workers are our parents, our teachers, our friends-- and now, much to my initial bemusement, me. Still, I hope that others will find something of interest in this blog, and will indeed come to see it as not [just] another Camgirl Diary.

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